Preferred prenatal massage therapists
allison umstead-holloway, LMT
As a maternity massage specialist, Allison serves women who are currently pregnant, postpartum, and women in all other stages of motherhood. Helping women have a potentially easier childbirth & relieve pain and stress throughout motherhood is her passion. She is so grateful to be serving the most amazing clients doing what she loves! Allison has offices in both Kettering and North Dayton. Emily’s client’s LOVE her!
Ask Emily how you can get a FREE 30 min massage.
Zoey bryant, lmt
Zoey Bryant is an LMT certified in Prenatal, Postpartum & Fertility Massage through the “Claire Marie Miller Seminars, Nurturing the Mother” program.
In her practice, she values working alongside clients, facilitating experiences that support their sense of autonomy and power in their own pregnancy and postpartum transitions.
“My massage with Zoey was not only relaxing and releasing, but let me be present and connect with my body during my pregnancy. That experience was so special, and Zoey was such a skilled and gentle person to provide it.”
She is located just minutes from Emily’s office in Yellow Springs. Emily has been given excellent feedback about her prenatal massages!